I went to bed last night with a jumble of thoughts leftover from the conversation with good friends. We talked of God and giving, and I mentioned that I don't "round up" for charity at stores asking me to give my change for their causes. Nor do I always give even to the most deserving of causes soliciting my support. I don’t also put money in most of the offering plates of churches where I visit. Aren’t I embarrassed? People will think me cheap—that I don’t care. Why not give the little bit of change to the cause du jour?
There are thousands and thousands of great causes to which give, each one most important in its own right. Over my lifetime I have discovered God has provided custom opportunities for me to give. I have been blessed to bless. I'm not referring to my material, health, or talent wealth. I have been blessed by God to be loved by him. God came to my house--knocked on the door of my soul, and opened himself to me—to know him. In friendship, the love we share (God and I) swells to overflowing. God's love in me spills over on to everything I touch. And as I make myself willing, he coaxes me to come close to see with his eyes and heart how I might please him--bless him in embracing the opportunity he reveals. Perhaps the best I can come to describing it is summed up in finding the perfect gift for one of my beloved, and then in giving it I know, I chose right. We share a giddy joy, a connection deep and tender. We are known to one another. And to be known so intimately is to be magnificently blessed. Last night pondering these things I was filled with joyous recollections of some of those unique opportunities in my lifetime. Of course, you know, I count those precious children and young adults in Honduras high on that list. God revealed, at least that is how it felt, how blessed I am to have friends who gave to this project dear to my heart to please me—because they care for me. They gave me a gift of love, which spilled over on to children thousands of miles distant. Children they don’t know and probably will never meet. And those young received the overfilling joy of being loved by God through people thousands of miles removed. I have come to understand that we give not because we are obligated but out of the fullness of our relationship with the Receiver, who is also the Giver. Generosity cascades, spilling over to delight and refresh all on their way. And together with God we splash the wonder of the Kingdom on the world.